
  • Bankar, Renuka, Kruthi Suvarna, Saicharan Ghantasala, Arghya Banerjee, Deeptarup Biswas, Manisha Choudhury, Viswanthram Palanivel, et al. 2021.
    “Proteomic Investigation Reveals Dominant Alterations of Neutrophil Degranulation and MRNA Translation Pathways in Patients with COVID-19.” IScience 24 (3): 102135.
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  • Suvarna, Kruthi, Deeptarup Biswas, Medha Gayathri Pai, Arup Acharjee, Renuka Bankar, Viswanthram P, Akanksha Salkar, et al. 2021.
    “Proteomics and Machine Learning Approaches Reveal a Set of Prognostic Markers for COVID-19 Severity with Drug Re-Purposing Potential.” Frontiers in Physiology 12.
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  • Ghosh, Susmita, Swapneil Parikh, Mehar Un Nissa, Arup Acharjee, Avinash Singh, Dhruv Patwa, Prashant Makwana et al. 2022.
    "Semen proteomics of COVID-19 convalescent men reveals disruption of key biological pathways relevant to male reproductive function." ACS omega 7, no. 10: 8601-8612.
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  • Location- Proteomics lab, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076
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    [email protected]